
Showing posts from October, 2009


One of the definitions of the word secret given by Webster's Dictionary, is-'information kept hidden from others.' Some of the sins of my past, I would have loved to have 'kept hidden' from others for the rest of my life, especially my abortion. When I chose a relationship with Jesus Christ, I felt that I should have kept them hidden from Him also. Then, I discovered through the pages of Holy Scripture, that He knows "the secrets of every heart 1 " anyway, and in spite of my sin, He offered me the gift of love, 2 forgiveness, 3 and a brand new start. 4 Now, that's good news .... that's information I refuse to keep hidden from others ... that's information worth sharing the secrets of my heart for! What do you think? 1. Psalms 44:21b; 2. Jeremiah 31:3b; 3. Hebrews 10:17; 4. Isaiah 1:18   No-More-A-Secret

Amazing Grace

Amazing grace, how sweet the sound- That saved a wretch like me! I once was lost but now am found, Was blind but now I see. Somehow, singing or humming a song can change one's mood and turn a day or a situation around. The words of this hymn written in 1776 by John Newton, is one that I love to sing. These words lift me from a bed of tears and regret about the past, and the sweet sounds spark my heart and my feet to dance ... and dance ... and dance! Are you experiencing sadness, doubt, or discouragement today? Why not sing a favorite song. It could turn the next 24 hours, and your future around, and cause your heart and your feet to dance ... and dance ... and dance! Father, "I will sing to You all my life; I will sing praise to You as long as I live." 1 1. Psalms 104:33 (NIV)

The Cross

T he greatest symbol of love the world will ever see ! 1 The greatest demonstration of love the world will ever need ! 2 The greatest commitment of love you or I will ever make ! 3 Father, thank you for the cross, its love changing, love giving, and love sustaining power, In Jesus name, Amen. 1. John 15:13; 2. Romans 5:8; 3. 11 Corinthians 5:1 7


Our subconscious mind "has the ability to record and remember every incident that it experiences." 1 This may be one of the reasons why sometimes we have difficulty forgetting our sin. Whatever the past sin is that we are trying to forget, somehow, the memory not only ling ers, but hinders our relationship with God. However, we do have a hope ... precious promises from the pages of Scripture: "For I am merciful. I will not be angry with you forever ... I will never again remember your sin." 2 Those words have inbuilt thought changing power to help us move, and to live beyond guilt. I dared to believe them. Will you ? 1.; 2. Jeremiah 3:12b/Hebrews 8:12b Italics - Mine