
Showing posts from September, 2014


That You would call me:     Forgiven 1       Accepted 2          The apple of Your eye 3              Chosen 4                  Loved 5       Just  ~ Overwhelms me! 1. Psalms 32:5; 2.Ephesians 1:6; 3. Zechariah 2:8; 4. John 15:16; 5. Galatians 2:20 Photo - Crepe Myrtle Cluster - Mt.Trashmore Park - Virginia Beach, Va. . Previously posted 8/21/2010

God's Love

  What is ~       unmatchless 1 ?             unlimited 2 ?               unconditional 3 ? God’s love for you and me! 1. John 3:16 2. Jeremiah 31:3 3. Romans 5:8-10  Photo: Cranberry Crush Hibiscus  Taken at: Norfolk Botanical Garden Previously posted 08/06/2010