
Showing posts from May, 2011

The Essence of Beauty

This week, I visited the Bicentennial Rose Garden one of the many Gardens at The Norfolk Botanical Garden, and a favorite of mine, "where over 3,000 rose plants representing more than 300 varieties grow.  At the height of bloom, mid-May through October, more than 250,000 rose blooms may be seen." Here are a few of those blooms! “ Then the LORD God planted a garden in Eden in the east, and there he placed the man he had made.” ~ Genesis 2:8 Photos: Midas Touch, Promise, Rosa, Tiffany, Lasting Peace

Happy Mother's Day

Today on the eve of Mother’s Day, my evening stroll through the park was enhanced by the sighting of this beautiful Mallard family showing off their new chicks while enjoying the 71˚ warmth along with the crisp spring breeze. I waited patiently for the ideal pose to grace my camera. I think the wait  was worthwhile, do you? A mother and her children … inseparable, my Heavenly Father and His promises to His children and to their children … unwavering! “I will pour out my Spirit on your descendants, and my blessing on your children 1 .” 1 . Isaiah 44:3b Photos: Mt. Trashmore Park - Virginia Beach, Va.