
Showing posts from 2016


As I took my afternoon walk recently accompanied by my great nephew Cairon, a Common Grackle seemingly joined me in proclaiming the words of the Psalmist David ~ “I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence comes my help. My help comes  from the LORD, which made heaven and earth. - Psalm 121:1-2 Photo taken at: Mount Trashmore Park Virginia Beach, Va. Previously posted 11/22/2012


"I knew you before I formed you in your mother's womb”. 1 “I  love you with an everlasting love” 2 . At times, we may be  misunderstood by others. Words like these spoken from our  through the prophet Jeremiah, reminds us of the depth of God’s love for us. Even when others seem to misunderstand us, I think it would  be difficult for the One who knows and loves us to this degree to not  understand us.  To me, that’s good news! What do you think? Heavenly Father, sometimes when I am misunderstood by others, I become disappointed and  hurt. During these times, help me to respond through Your eyes of love, mercy, and grace, In Jesus’ name, Amen. 1. Jeremiah 1:5; 2. Jeremiah 31:3b  Photo:  Clouds formation taken: off Military Highway South Norfolk, Va. Shared with:  GraceInside

Before Sunset

Heavenly Father, before today ends may I touch help encourage smile forgive trust love more lives than I did yesterday in Jesus’ name Amen I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other. – John 13:34 Photo: Sunset Taken at: Mount Trashmore Park, Virginia Beach, Va. Shared on:  GraceInside  09/26/2016

Another Creation Wonder

“The greatest unknown of our planet is still the sea, and this unknown ought to be the greatest challenge to the best minds among our scientists.” 1 “The sea belongs to Him, for He made it. His hands formed the dry land, too.” 2  “Worship Him who made the heavens, the earth, the sea, and all the springs of water." 3 Heavenly Father, for another creation wonder  that amazes me, I am truly grateful!   1. Alfred M. Rehwinkel -The Wonders of Creation. 2. Psalm 95:5 3. Revelation 14:7b Ocean View Beach   Previously posted 10./13/2012


Fear is a thief. It will steal enjoyment of the present and the fulfillment of the future ~ Step out from under its grip today! For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline (a sound mind). ~ 2 Timothy 1:7 Photos: Hooded Merganser  Previously posted 1/23/2013

The Name of Jesus

The name that has the ability:       to heal 1    ~     to forgive 2           ~ to give peace 3     ~     to comfort 4                            t o answer prayer 5                                         to protect 6                                             to strengthen 7                                                   to provide 8   ...

Life After Cancer

Twenty seven years ago, my life raced before me as I heard the dreaded word from my physician ... a moment I will always remember - "cancer." Today, after the mercy and healing power of God, prayer and the support of family and friends, an amazing medical team, six months of chemotherapy, a complete lifestyle change, and the help and guidance of my expert nutritionists Alvira and Shirley (now deceased), I am cancer free. I no longer have the luxury of my once favorite strawberry cheesecake  dessert,  or ice cold colas on a hot summer day.I think life is a better exchange. Do you? If you have lost a family member or a friend to cancer, I join you in honoring their memory. If you know someone that is now battling the dreaded diagnosis, I join you in praying for their recovery. Meanwhile, will you celebrate with me today?      LORD, remind me how brief my time on earth will be. Remind me that my days are numbered--how fleeting my life is. ~ Psalm 3...

Start Of Day

A recent article by a Mayo Clinic staff states: “It might be the last thing on your morning to-do list, or worse, it might not be on your list at all. But a healthy breakfast refuels your body,jump-starts your day and may even benefit your overall health. So don't skip this meal ~ it may be more important than you think. 1   I believe in starting the day with a healthy breakfast, but I also believe that the most important meal of the day is a Spiritual one … a feast on Words from the Holy Scriptures – The Holy Bible. Have you started your day with a Spiritual meal from the Word of God today? If you missed the breakfast meal, it’s not too late. There is still time to have it for lunch or an evening meal. "It may be much more important than you think!" 1 . I have not departed from his commands, but have treasured his words more than daily food. ~ Job 23:12  Photo taken at: Norfolk Botanical Garden...


Heavenly Father when my eyes behold  the beauty of  Your creation the beauty  of Your faithfulness Your forgiveness Your love again and again I am amazed and  I thank you Photo: Juvenile White Ibis Taken at: Pompano Beach Florida By: Timothy Mills Sr. Bird identification : Kevin McGowan - Cornell Lab of Ornithology Previously posted 10/24/2015

The Cross

The greatest symbol of love the world, you, or I  will  ever see! For God loved the world so much, that He gave His one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life.” John 3:16 (NLT) Previously posted 4/22/2011

A Closer Look

At first glance it seemed all were Canada Geese, however a closer look proved one different . It was identified by two birding experts ~ a Toulouse Goose, which turned out to be a “life bird” for me. Would this have been a life bird for you also? Heavenly Father, help me to daily take a closer look so that I see life through Your keen but loving eyes, and appreciate the distinct difference In Jesus name, Amen! “Humans look at outward appearances, but the LORD looks into the heart." ~ 1 Samuel 16:7b (GWT)                 Photos: Indian River Road, Virginia Beach, Va. Toulouse Goose Previously posted 8/3/2012

Today's Prayer

Heavenly Father, Help me not to worry about anything today, but in eve ry situation let You know what I need in prayers and requests while giving thanks    to You. Then Your peace, which goes beyond anything I can imagine, will guard my thoughts and emotions through Christ Jesus. So why should I worry when You are able through Your power to do infinitely more than I can ask or imagine? In Jesus name, Amen! Photos:  Norfolk Botanical Garden   Southern Magnolia; Buttered Popcorn Daylily;  Chitalpa Tashkentensis Previously posted 8/13/2012

Still Beautiful

During another of my nature walks, I observed this Mallard duck and companion relaxing in the park. Even though I see them often, they are a favorite and their beauty still amazes me.   It reminds me that we are each beautiful in the eyes of our Heavenly Father. As David the psalmist wrote: “I will give thanks to You because I have been so amazingly and miraculously made. Your works are miraculous, and my soul is fully aware of this.” ~ Psalm 139:14 (GWT)   Thanks for the reminder David … well said!!   Photos :  Mt. Trashmore Park Previously posted 9/18/12

On Behalf Of The Unborn

         Sanctity of Human 2016. Since 1973, there have been 49,551, 703 abortions in the United States of America. 1 As we observe the close of Sanctity of Human Life week, would you join me in honor of the voices that have been silenced by abortion? The voices of our sons ... our daughters ... our grandchildren ...our sisters ... our brothers ... our nieces ... our nephews ... our cousins ... our friends.  I believe if we could hear those voices speak, we would have heard them ask: “Do you know that I am a gift from the Lord, 2  and that He knew me before He formed me in your womb? 3  He made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in your womb, 4 it is a mystery how I am formed in your womb, 5 and His Spirit made me, and His Almighty breath gave me life? 6           Father, have mercy and forgive us, Forgive me,       ...

Stopping For A Breath of Fresh Air

When my day is busy, I often become overwhelmed. I have to remind myself to take a deep breath before  going on.  Recently, Sarah Constant Beach Park provided the ideal place. As I watched, this Double-breasted Cormorant was joined by a Ring-billed Gull and they seemed to do the same and maybe even shared a fish story or two. It brought calm to my cay. From the end of the earth will I cry unto you, when my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher than I. ~ Psalm 61:2 Sarah Constant Beach Park   Double-Crested Cormorant   Ring-billed Gull   Previously posted 12/10/2011