
Showing posts from 2017

A Prayer for the Brokenhearted - At Christmas

Heavenly Father, as we celebrate the joy of this season there may be those who are sad heart broken grieving silently missing the presence of or  separated from loved ones and those held dear remind us as we remind them that for sadness broken hearts and grief You promise healing peace and comfort in Jesus name amen! He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds ... May your unfailing love be my comfort, according to your promise to your servant. - Psalm 147:3, Psalm 119:76 NIV Photo: Christmas Tree Taken at: Christian Broadcasting Network                    Virginia Beach, Virginia  Previously shared with: GraceInside
My Child,  you have sat awhile with me in the early hours of  this morning.  I know you will sit awhile with me before your  day ends. Today, during your busy day,  will you also sit  awhile with me for a few moments at noon?   I look forward to  hearing your voice. "Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest." - Mark 6:31 NIV Photo: Regent University Campus, Virginia Beach, Va.

Comprehensive Commitment

Two of the definitions for the word separate in the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary are “to sever an association” and “become divided or detached”. Based on these two definitions, one of my favorite Scripture passages would read like this: “for I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to sever an association  or become divided   o r detached  from   the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. ” 1 Now, that’s what I call comprehensive commitment! 1. Romans 8:38-39 Photo – Day Lily Lil’ Red Wagon – Norfolk Botanical Garden Previously posted 07/10/10/02//2/15


M erciful and gracious. O ur hope. N ever leaves or forsakes us. D wells in us. A ble to keep us from falling. Y ou are great and greatly to be praised … worthy our Lord , to receive glory, honor, and power. In Jesus’ name, Amen. Exodus 34:6; Psalm 71:5; Hebrews 13:15, Romans 5:8; Jude 1:24; Psalm 145:3; Revelation 4:11   Phot o: Cloud formation Taken: Downtown, Norfolk, Va. Previously shared with: GraceInside


Busy schedules and time constraints make fast food drive-thru lanes an easy option for eating choices. However, on occasion, it is always a treat to enjoy a dine in restaurant experience, being graciously waited on, surrounded by a varied assortment of delectable and enriching food items. Today, according to Scripture, you and I have the opportunity to wait on our Heavenly Father to be served with, and receive a varied assortment of items guaranteed to enrich our souls: strength, peace, wisdom, understanding, and grace. As we are enriched, let us enjoy and share this great variation with those around us who may be waiting to be enriched..   Heavenly Father as we wait on and receive from You, we freely give, what we will receive, in Jesus’ name, Amen.   “On thee do I wait all the day … Freely ye have received, freely give .” – Psalm 25:5/Matthew 10:8 Photo: Double-crested Cormorant Taken at: Mount Trashmore Park, Virginia Beach, Va . Previou...


to live to see another day to appreciate its worth to anticipate what each minute holds as we share its value with expectant lives around us floods our hearts with gratitude and grace thank You Heavenly Father Amen! I will sing aloud of Your mercy in the morning … I will tell of all the marvelous things You have done. Psalm 59:16/Psalm 9:1 Photo: Sunrise Ocean Front, Virginia Beach, Va. Previously shared with: GraceInside


My focus was to photograph the Canada Goose quietly resting in the mid-afternoon sun. It was after downloading the photo, I noticed the tiny Killdeer Plover,  standing almost in front of the Goose. Its presence added  much more meaning to picture than I had expected. Often in our day, a tiny bit of support, encouragement or  Christ like love extended to those around us could add much more meaning to their life picture than we, or they are expecting. Heavenly Father, to be a source of unexpected meaning to  lives around us, we are grateful, in Jesus’ name, Amen. Photo: Canada Goose and Killdeer Plover Taken at: Mount Trashmore Park, Virginia Beach, Va. Previously shared with:  GraceInside

Beauty in the Shadow

It glided quietly through the shadows of approaching sunset,and perched in the overhead branches, almost unseen in the approaching twilight. But, nothing could conceal its beauty. Today’s busyness: appointments, schedule changes, quick decisions, traffic backups, overseeing projects, technology malfunctions, may have the possibility to conceal the beauty placed by the Great Creator in us, and around us. May our prayer be … Heavenly Father, in the midst of the busyness of today, let nothing close our eyes to Your beauty, in Jesus’ name, Amen. Previously shared with: GraceInside

Your Voice

Heavenly Father as Your voice and  Your glory thunder and cover the waters so thunder and cover this Nation with Your glory and Your peace, Amen! "The voice of the Lord is over the waters; the God of glory thunders; the Lord is over many waters." Psalm 29:3 Previously posted 3/14/2012 

My Prayer For You

That you will not be afraid because God has not given you the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind 1 . That you will know that He loves you with an everlasting love 2 . That you will understand that you are precious in His sight 3 . That you will experience His peace, which exceeds anything we can understand 4 . This is my prayer for you, In Jesus name, Amen! Photos: Formal Gardens, Founders Inn & Spa 1. 2 Timothy 1:7; 2. Jeremiah 31:3; 3. Isaiah 43:4; 4. Philippians 4:7 Previously posted 5/22/12