
Showing posts from March, 2017


My focus was to photograph the Canada Goose quietly resting in the mid-afternoon sun. It was after downloading the photo, I noticed the tiny Killdeer Plover,  standing almost in front of the Goose. Its presence added  much more meaning to picture than I had expected. Often in our day, a tiny bit of support, encouragement or  Christ like love extended to those around us could add much more meaning to their life picture than we, or they are expecting. Heavenly Father, to be a source of unexpected meaning to  lives around us, we are grateful, in Jesus’ name, Amen. Photo: Canada Goose and Killdeer Plover Taken at: Mount Trashmore Park, Virginia Beach, Va. Previously shared with:  GraceInside

Beauty in the Shadow

It glided quietly through the shadows of approaching sunset,and perched in the overhead branches, almost unseen in the approaching twilight. But, nothing could conceal its beauty. Today’s busyness: appointments, schedule changes, quick decisions, traffic backups, overseeing projects, technology malfunctions, may have the possibility to conceal the beauty placed by the Great Creator in us, and around us. May our prayer be … Heavenly Father, in the midst of the busyness of today, let nothing close our eyes to Your beauty, in Jesus’ name, Amen. Previously shared with: GraceInside