May I Remind You?

May I remind you?

“Whosoever trusts in Me, Happy is he.”1
“In All your ways acknowledge Me.”2
Pray without ceasing.”3
“I will Perfect that which concerns you.”4
“I have chosen You.”5

“My mercies are New every morning.”6
“I will guide you with My Eye.”7
“I am great, and I do Wondrous things.”8

“I have called you by Your name.”9
Every hair on your head is numbered.”10
All things are possible with Me.”11
“I will give you Rest.”12
                    With all My love ~

1. Prov 16:20b; 2. Prov 3:6; 3. 1 Thes 5:17; 4. Psalm 138:8
5. John 15:16b; 6. Lam 3:23; 7. Psalm 32:8b; 8. Psalm 86:10
9. Is 43:1d; 10. Matt 10:30; 11. Matt 19:26b: 12. Ex 33:14b


Anonymous said…
Happy New Year Merle!
Jennifer said…
Clever - I like it!

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