Different but Special

I spotted this duck recently on one of my love nature walks and thought it looked a bit different. One birding expert identified it as a "Mallard duck mixed with some domestic variation." Another as a "possible crossbreed between a domestic duck and a Mallard." Still another: "not a true Mallard as a true Mallard will have feathers that curl just above the tail feathers." It reminded me that we are all different, but very special to our Heavenly Father, I thought it deserved being displayed here. Let me know what your thoughts are!
So God created the great sea creatures and every living creature that moves, with which the waters swarm, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. ~ Genesis 1:21


Anonymous said…
Each beautiful in its own way.
Merle M. Mills said…
Thanks Patti. I appreciate the site you shared. I am now a more educated Mallard watcher!
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Anonymous said…
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g moore
Merle M. Mills said…
Thanks for stopping by!
Merle M. Mills said…
I appreciate you reading my blog and stopping by. I pray that it will help you to improve your English!

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