Twenty Third Anniversary Thanksgiving Prayer

When I see
the intricate
miraculous beauty
of this
I am not amazed
that you
miraculously removed
cancer from my
and restored
my life.
Thank You Heavenly Father
Thank You 
I shall be eternally grateful!
Lord, your discipline is good, for it leads to life and health. You restore my health and allow me to live!
~ Isaiah 38:16 (NLT)
Photo: Mount Trashmore Park


SuziCate said…
I thank God He gifted you with His healing touch,Merle. You are a blessing to all.
Merle M. Mills said…
Thanks for stopping by Suzi, and especially for your kind comments.
Anonymous said…
That daylily is such a pretty color. I also am thankful for you, Merle. To God be the glory.
Merle M. Mills said…
Patti, I never realized how precious life was until I was faced with death. Thanks for joining me in thanksgiving!

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