Today, trust is sometimes difficult to encounter. Widely advertised products fail to produce promised results. Investments loose value. Friends and family members disappoint. Expected lasting relationships end. Amid all of this, there is One whose trust never fails. An article in Reader’s Digest 600 page book entitled “Strange Stories, Amazing Facts states:” “Every minute of our lives the heart pumps 10 pints of blood – 30 pints during brisk exercise – through about 600,000 miles of arteries, veins and capillaries.” Just think. Created by the hand of the Great Creator who says: “And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age 1 ." I believe these words are not difficult for me to trust. What about you? 1. Matthew 28:20b (NLT) Photo: Red-winged Blackbird Kindly left click 3 times on photo for larger view