Pause ... Cease Moving

Two of the definitions of the word stop in my Primary Dictionary Series 4 are: to “pause,” or to “cease moving.” Life’s journey is full of movement. During a recent full of movement day, this traffic stop allowed me a moment to “pause” and to “cease moving” and remind myself that on the journey, I am never alone. The European Starlings at the top of the light seemed to have figured that out way before I did!
“And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age." ~ Matthew 28:20b (NLT)
Photo: Virginia Beach Boulevard, Va.
Kindly left click 3 times for larger view of photo.


Anonymous said…
I always smile to see the birds huddled in and around the traffic lights. I'm glad you've noticed them, too.
Merle M. Mills said…
This was an ideal time Patti. No traffic behind and camera was ready. I always appreciate your comments and your visits!

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